Friday, November 28, 2014

REALISTIC STILL LIFE PAINTINGS AND DETAILS _ biography details josvanriswick



Josvanriswick paints in a realistic manner, but tries to suggest as much detail as possible without painting explicitly. This is achieved by adding structure to the paint with a palette knife. In this technique he has been influenced strongly by Rembrandt. What fascinates him is the study of all visual elements (structure, shade, high lights, reflections) from which our brain reconstructs an almost tangible three dimensional world in our imagination. The painter can use these elements to create his own world and to take along the viewer into this world 

The passion for painting developed in Jos van Riswick quite late in his life. Jos graduated as a physicist and worked at the university for a number of years. Science however turned out not to be his true calling and he decided to make the switch from science to art.

 jos van Riswick's techniques to create reality

JOS VAN RISWICK works on Masonite panels which I ground using 4 layers of diluted acrylic paint. This results in a smooth, egg-shell like surface which is non-absorbent. This allows me to completely control the surface structure of the painting and to move around the paint on the surface or wipe it off, to make corrections. On such a surface, it is more difficult however, to complete a painting in one session, as brush strokes or stripes often remain visible with the white ground showing through. Thus, one has to paint in at least two layers

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